Just the code?
在 React 应用中有许多方式可以处理状态数据。很显然,setState 可以用于一些较小的组件,但是如果要管理一个复杂的状态怎么办?
也许你将使用 Redux 或 MobX 来处理这种情况,但是也可以使用 React Content,而不必安装其他依赖项。
让我们看看如何使用 Context API 和 TypeScript 管理复杂的状态。
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| npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript cd my-app/
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import React, { createContext } from 'react'
const AppContext = createContext({})
你可以使用所需的任何值来简单初始化 context
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import React, { createContext } from 'react'
type ProductType = { id: number name: string price: number }
type InitialStateType = { products: ProductType[] shoppingCart: number }
const initialState = { products: [], shoppingCart: 0, }
const AppContext = createContext<InitialStateType>(initialState)
产品列表总的每个产品都会有 id
和 price
创建 reducers
现在我们将使用 reducers
和 actions
来创建和删除产品,还有购物车计数操作。首先,创建一个 名为 reducers.ts
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export const productReducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'CREATE_PRODUCT': return [ ...state, { id: action.payload.id, name: action.payload.name, price: action.payload.price, }, ] case 'DELETE_PRODUCT': return [...state.filter((product) => product.id !== action.payload.id)] default: return state } }
export const shoppingCartReducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_PRODUCT': return state + 1 } }
一个 reducer
函数接收两个参数,第一个是 state
,当我们使用 useReducer
钩子时要传递该参数,第二个参数是一个对象,表示事件和事件参数,这个将改变数据 state
在这种情况下,我们创建了两个 reducer
,一个用于产品,另一个购物车。在 productReducer
上,我们添加了创建和删除操作。在 shoppingCartReducer
上,我们添加的唯一操作是添加数据时购物车计数 + 1.
如你所见,创建一个产品,我们需要传递 id
和 price
,并返回带有新对象的当前状态。对于删除操作,我们只需要一个 id
,返回值就是不具有该 id
的 state
组合 reducer 并引入
现在更改一下上下文文件,引入 reducer
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import React, { createContext, useReducer } from 'react' import { productReducer, shoppingCartReducer } from './reducers'
type ProductType = { id: number name: string price: number }
type InitialStateType = { products: ProductType[] shoppingCart: number }
const intialState = { products: [], shoppingCart: 0, }
const AppContext = createContext<{ state: InitialStateType dispatch: React.Dispatch<any> }>({ state: initialState, dispatch: () => null, })
const mainReducer = ({ products, shoppingCart }, action) => ({ products: productReducer(products, action), shoppingCart: shoppingCartReducer(shoppingCart, action), })
const AppProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(mainReducer, initialState)
return <AppContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>{children}</AppContext.Provider> }
export { AppContext, AppProvider }
这是一个 mainReducer
函数,它组合了我们现在拥有的两个 reducer
除此之外,我们创建一个 AppProvider
组件,其中,useReducer 钩子使用此 mainReducer
和初始状态来返回 state
和 dispatch
我们将这些值传递给 AppContext.Provider
中,这样做可以访问状态并使用 useContext
接下来,为 reducers
和 actions
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type ActionMap<M extends { [index: string]: any }> = { [Key in keyof M]: M[Key] extends undefined ? { type: Key } : { type: Key payload: M[Key] } }
export enum Types { Create = 'CREATE_PRODUCT', Delete = 'DELETE_PRODUCT', Add = 'ADD_PRODUCT', }
type ProductType = { id: number name: string price: number }
type ProductPayload = { [Types.Create]: { id: number name: string price: number } [Types.Delete]: { id: number } }
export type ProductActions = ActionMap<ProductPayload>[keyof ActionMap<ProductPayload>]
export const productReducer = (state: ProductType[], action: ProductActions | ShoppingCartActions) => { switch (action.type) { case Types.Create: return [ ...state, { id: action.payload.id, name: action.payload.name, price: action.payload.price, }, ] case Types.Delete: return [...state.filter((product) => product.id !== action.payload.id)] default: return state } }
type ShoppingCartPayload = { [Types.Add]: undefined }
export type ShoppingCartActions = ActionMap<ShoppingCartPayload>[keyof ActionMap<ShoppingCartPayload>]
export const shoppingCartReducer = (state: number, action: ProductActions | ShoppingCartActions) => { switch (action.type) { case Types.Add: return state + 1 default: return state } }
我从这篇文章中获得了灵感:https://codesandbox.io/s/jpj18xoo85,基本上,我们只需要检查 action.type
是否生效,并且据此生成 payload
| type Action = { type: 'ADD' } | { type: 'CREATE'; create: object } | { type: 'DELETE'; id: string }
上面的代码中,所有这些类型都有一个称为 type
的公共属性。TypeScript 将为联合类型创建类型守卫,现在让我们根据对象类型具有的类型来使用类型。
但在本文中,我们为 actions
类型和 payload
现在,将类型定义导入到 context
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import React, { createContext, useReducer, Dispatch } from 'react' import { productReducer, shoppingCartReducer, ProductActions, ShoppingCartActions } from './reducers'
type ProductType = { id: number name: string price: number }
type InitialStateType = { products: ProductType[] shoppingCart: number }
const initialState = { products: [], shoppingCart: 0, }
const AppContext = createContext<{ state: InitialStateType dispatch: Dispatch<ProductActions | ShoppingCartActions> }>({ state: initialState, dispatch: () => null, })
const mainReducer = ({ products, shoppingCart }: InitialStateType, action: ProductActions | ShoppingCartActions) => ({ products: productReducer(products, action), shoppingCart: shoppingCartReducer(shoppingCart, action), })
const AppProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(mainReducer, initialState)
return <AppContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>{children}</AppContext.Provider> }
export { AppProvider, AppContext }
不要忘记用 AppProvider
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import React from 'react' import { AppProvider } from './context' import Products from './products'
const App = () => { ;<AppProvider> <Products /> </AppProvider> }
export default App
创建一个 Products
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import React from 'react' import { AppProvider } from './context' import Products from './products'
const App = () => { ;<AppProvider> <Products /> </AppProvider> }
export default App
You can check the code here.
- [Finally, the TypeScript + Redux/Hooks/Events blog you were looking for.](